Ahhh…. Remember me?

Hey!!! Remember me??


Life has been moving right along and time to sit down and put together a post has just slipped by. When I do have free time it usually consist of doing nothing. That rarely happens.

Adler is 7 months old now and we celebrated our first Thanksgiving with friends here at the house. It was nice and relaxing. Starting the day with Bloody Mary’s and ending it with some red wine and pumpkin pie.

We are busy preparing for Christmas, decorating the house has been a challenge with the little one. She’s constantly playing with the tree or crawling behind it.



We also have this life size Santa that she’s a little obsessed with…


We’re also going through a sleep regression right now. She naps fine during the day, but the naps are shorter it’s the night time that makes me have severe anxiety. She will sleep for 30-45 mins then she’s up crying for over an hour. I go in to comfort her, but as soon as I put her back in the crib it starts all over. We are all exhausted.

She’s becoming quite helpful in the kitchen. Crawling over and pulling up on the dishwasher.


And we enjoyed her first hockey game just last night. She loved all the lights and people watching. She was even dancing when the music was playing.


Words can’t express the love I have for you. Each day with you is a blessing and I pray every night that God will keep you safe and help you grow up healthy and strong. I can’t imagine life without you and I never knew love before you. You’ve taught me so many things in your short 7 months. How to laugh when we want to cry, how to appreciate the small things and be grateful for what we have. I thank you for changing our lives and making us parents.

Love, mommy & daddy

Words of wisodom